Creating a new Repository with the Taxonomy Development Tools

This is instructions on how to create a CCN2 taxonomy repository in GitHub. This will only need to be done once per taxonomy. You may need assistance from someone with basic unix knowledge in following instructions here.

We will walk you though the steps to make a new ontology project

1. Download the wrapper script and pull latest TDT version

  • Linux/Mac:
  • PC: seed-via-docker.bat
  • Make sure to save the wrapper script in your working directory and that the filetype is correct.
  • You should have git installed - for the repo command to work perfectly, it requires a .gitconfig file in your user directory!
  • First, make sure you have Docker running (you will see the Docker whale in your toolbar on a Mac)
  • To make sure you have the latest version of the TDT installed, run in the command line

docker pull

NOTE: The very first time you run this it may be slow, while docker downloads necessary images. Don't worry, subsequent runs should be much faster!

NOTE: Windows users, occasionally it has been reported that files downloaded on a Windows machine get a wrong file ending, for example seed-via-docker.bat.txt instead of seed-via-docker.bat, or, as we will see later, project.yaml.txt instead of project.yaml. If you have problems, double check your files are named correctly after the download!

2. Prepare your configuration file:

3. Run the wrapper script

You can pass in a configuration file in YAML format that specifies your taxonomy project setup. You can use dir in your command line on PC to ensure that your wrapper script, .gitconfig, and project.yaml (if you so choose) are all in the correct directory before running the wrapper script.

Unix (Max, Linux)

Using the predefined CCN20230601_project_config.yaml file:

./ -C CCN20230601_project_config.yaml

Note: If you get a permission error while running the runner script (such as zsh: permission denied: ./, please give execution permissions to the script and retry the command:

chmod +x


Using the predefined CCN20230601_project_config.yaml config file:

seed-via-docker.bat -C CCN20230601_project_config.yaml

This will create your starter files in target/nhp_basal_ganglia_taxonomy. It will also prepare an initial release and initialize a local repository (not yet pushed to your Git host site such as GitHub or GitLab).


There are three frequently encountered problems at this stage:

  1. No .gitconfig in user directory
  2. Spaces is user path
  3. During download, your filenames got changed (Windows)

No .gitconfig in user directory

The seed-via-docker script requires a .gitconfig file in your user directory. If your .gitconfig is in a different directory, you need to change the path in the downloaded seed-via-docker script. For example on Windows (look at seed-via-docker.bat):

docker run -v %userprofile%/.gitconfig:/root/.gitconfig -v %cd%:/work -w /work --rm -ti brain-bican/tdt /tools/ seed %*

%userprofile%/.gitconfig should be changed to the correct path of your local .gitconfig file.

Spaces is user path

We have had reports of users having trouble if there are paths (say, D:\data) contain a space symbol, like D:/Dropbox (Personal) or similar. In this case, we recommend to find a directory you can work in that does not contain a space symbol.

You can customize at this stage, but we recommend to first push the changes to you Git hosting site (see next steps).

During download, your filenames got changed (Windows)

Windows users, occasionally it has been reported that files downloaded on a Windows machine get a wrong file ending, for example seed-via-docker.bat.txt instead of seed-via-docker.bat, or, as we will see later, project.yaml.txt instead of project.yaml. If you have problems, double-check your files are named correctly after the download!

4. Push to Git hosting website

The development kit will automatically initialize a git project, add all files and commit.

You will need to create a project on you Git hosting site.

For GitHub:

  1. Go to:
  2. The owner MUST be the org you selected with the github_org option in the project yaml file. Repo name should be same with the repo option
  3. Do not initialize with a README (you already have one)
  4. Click Create
  5. See the section under "…or push an existing repository from the command line"

For GitLab:

  1. Go to:
  2. The owner MUST be the org you selected with the github_org option in the project yaml file. Repo name should be same with the repo option
  3. Do not initialize with a README (you already have one)
  4. Click 'Create project'
  5. See the section under "Push an existing Git repository"

Follow the instructions there. E.g. (make sure the location of your remote is exactly correct!).

cd target/human_m1
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Note: you can now mv target/human_m1 to anywhere you like in your home directory. Or you can do a fresh checkout from github.

5. Review Your Project on GitHub

Your new project repository is now hosted on GitHub. You can view your newly created repository from the previous step (such as on GitHub.

If the repository does not meet your expectations, you can delete it from the GitHub settings and begin the process anew.

If you are satisfied with the setup, you may proceed to load your data into the project.


You will want to also:

  • enable GitHub actions