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Slot: was_derived_from

A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on a pre-existing entity.

URI: prov:wasDerivedFrom

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
BarcodedCellSample A collection of molecularly barcoded cells yes
TissueSample The final intact piece of tissue before cell or nuclei prep yes
Library A collection of fragmented and barcode-indexed DNA molecules for sequencing yes
DissociatedCellSample A collection of dissociated cells or nuclei derived from dissociation of a ti... yes
LibraryAliquot One library in the library pool yes
EnrichedCellSample A collection of enriched cells or nuclei after enrichment process, usually vi... yes
BrainSlab A thick flat piece of brain tissue obtained by slicing a whole brain, brain h... yes
Donor A person or organism that is the source of a biological sample for scientific... no
LibraryPool A library pool is made up of library aliquots from multiple libraries yes
DigitalAsset yes
AmplifiedCdna A collection of cDNA molecules derived and amplified from an input barcoded c... yes
ProvEntity An entity is a physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with som... no
DissectionRoiPolygon A polygon annotated on a brain slab image delineating a region of interest (R... no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self prov:wasDerivedFrom
native bican:was_derived_from

LinkML Source

name: was_derived_from
description: A derivation is a transformation of an entity into another, an update
  of an entity resulting in a new one, or the construction of a new entity based on
  a pre-existing entity.
rank: 1000
slot_uri: prov:wasDerivedFrom
alias: was_derived_from
- BrainSlab
- TissueSample
- DissociatedCellSample
- EnrichedCellSample
- BarcodedCellSample
- AmplifiedCdna
- Library
- LibraryAliquot
- LibraryPool
- DigitalAsset
- ProvEntity
range: ProvEntity