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Class: ProvActivity

An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities.

URI: prov:Activity

classDiagram class ProvActivity click ProvActivity href "../ProvActivity" ProvActivity <|-- DissectionRoiDelineation click DissectionRoiDelineation href "../DissectionRoiDelineation" ProvActivity <|-- TissueDissection click TissueDissection href "../TissueDissection" ProvActivity <|-- CellDissociation click CellDissociation href "../CellDissociation" ProvActivity <|-- CellEnrichment click CellEnrichment href "../CellEnrichment" ProvActivity <|-- EnrichedCellSampleSplitting click EnrichedCellSampleSplitting href "../EnrichedCellSampleSplitting" ProvActivity <|-- CellBarcoding click CellBarcoding href "../CellBarcoding" ProvActivity <|-- CdnaAmplification click CdnaAmplification href "../CdnaAmplification" ProvActivity <|-- LibraryConstruction click LibraryConstruction href "../LibraryConstruction" ProvActivity <|-- LibraryPooling click LibraryPooling href "../LibraryPooling" ProvActivity : used ProvActivity --> "0..1" ProvEntity : used click ProvEntity href "../ProvEntity"


Name Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
used 0..1
Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity direct

Mixin Usage

mixed into description
DissectionRoiDelineation The process of outlining a region of interest on a brain slab image to guide ...
TissueDissection The process of dissecting a tissue sample from a brain slab guided by a disse...
CellDissociation The process of generating dissociated cells from an input tissue sample
CellEnrichment The process of enriching a dissociated cell sample by including or excluding ...
EnrichedCellSampleSplitting The process of splitting an enriched cell sample into several portions
CellBarcoding The process of adding a molecular barcode to individual cells in a sample
CdnaAmplification The process of creating a collection of cDNA molecules derived and amplified ...
LibraryConstruction The process of constructing a library from input material (such as amplified ...
LibraryPooling The process of constructing of a libray pool by combining library aliquots fr...


used by used in type used
Donor was_generated_by range ProvActivity
BrainSlab was_generated_by range ProvActivity
EnrichedCellSample was_generated_by range ProvActivity
LibraryAliquot was_generated_by range ProvActivity
ProvEntity was_generated_by range ProvActivity

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self prov:Activity
native bican:ProvActivity

LinkML Source


name: ProvActivity
description: An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon
  or with entities;  it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying,
  relocating, using, or generating entities.
mixin: true
- used
class_uri: prov:Activity


name: ProvActivity
description: An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon
  or with entities;  it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying,
  relocating, using, or generating entities.
mixin: true
    name: used
    description: Usage is the beginning of utilizing an entity by an activity. Before
      usage, the activity had not begun to utilize this entity and could not have
      been affected by the entity.
    rank: 1000
    slot_uri: prov:used
    alias: used
    owner: ProvActivity
    - DissectionRoiDelineation
    - TissueDissection
    - CellDissociation
    - CellEnrichment
    - EnrichedCellSampleSplitting
    - CellBarcoding
    - CdnaAmplification
    - LibraryConstruction
    - LibraryPooling
    - ProvActivity
    range: ProvEntity
class_uri: prov:Activity