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DLCT6b_110 (CS202210140_111)

Hierarchy: CS202210140_474 > CS202210140_111


Labelset: Cluster (Rank: 1)

Parent Cell Set: Deep-layer corticothalamic and 6b (CS202210140_474)

Cell Ontology Term:

Transferred annotations:

Transferred cell label Source taxonomy Source node accession Algorithm name Comment
L6 CT CrossArea_subclass:d4ee4a2c4c We performed PCA (50 components) on our full dataset, trained a random forest classifier (scikit-learn, class_ weight=‘balanced’, max_depth=50) on the MTG labels, and then predicted labels for all cells. We labeled each cluster with the mode of its constituent cells if two conditions were met: more than 0.8 of predicted labels matched the mode, and the mean probability of these pre- dictions was greater than 0.8.

Author annotation fields:

Author annotation Value
Cluster ID 110
Class auto_annotation NEUR
Neurotransmitter auto_annotation VGLUT1
Neuropeptide auto_annotation CBLN CCK CHGA CHGB NAMPT NPY NUCB SCG UBL proSAAS
Subtype auto_annotation None
Transferred MTG Label L6 CT
Top three regions Cerebral cortex: 84.7%, Basal forebrain: 6.3%, Amygdala: 5.0%
Top three dissections Human FI: 9.6%, Human ACC: 9.2%, Human A38: 7.1%
Top Enriched Genes AC105021.1, TRIM22, SULF1, C5AR2, AC073968.2, LGR6, CAV1, AC079380.1, S100Z, ABCC9
Number of cells 8324.0
DoubletFinder score 0.020879009
Total UMI 29783.49652
Fraction unspliced 0.766942333
Fraction mitochondrial 0.003482217
H19.30.002 2651.0
H19.30.001 2807.0
H18.30.002 2547.0
H18.30.001 319.0
Fraction cells from top donor 0.337217684
Number of donors 4.0
subcluster_id None